C Language

C Language

The major goal of this course is for students to gain fundamental programming abilities up to advanced levels in order to address various programming logic problems. After completing, the student will be able to write several types of logics. The learner may get all the essential information in all the languages after taking the C course. The student may attend any MNC Company interview after completion and be prepared to handle the technical rounds both conceptually and practically. To help you be as good as possible, we offer many logical examples.

Why C Language?

One thing we can say is that without C expertise, it is difficult to learn any programming logic. For a student to understand Java, Net, databases, and other topics, we need "C" knowledge. To sum up, only the C programming language is used internally in numerous languages.

Course Overview

  • Program
  • Programming
  • Programming Languages
  • Types of software
  • Introduction to C
  • History of C
  • Features of C
  • Applications of C
  • Character set, ASCII Table
  • Tokens
  • Keywords
  • Identifiers & Naming Rules
  • constants
  • Data Types
  • Type Qualifiers
  • How does the data stored in Computers Memory
  • Variables
  • Variable Declaration
  • Variable Assignment
  • Variable Initialization
  • Comments
  • Defining Constants
  • MCQs
  • Arithmetic operators
  • Arithmetic expressions
  • Evaluation of expressions
  • Relational operators
  • Logical operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Increment & decrement operators
  • Conditional operator
  • Bitwise operators
  • Type casting
  • Sizeof operator
  • Comma operator
  • Operators Precedence and Associativity
  • Expressions
  • Evaluation of Expressions
  • MCQs
  • Input-Output Library Functions
  • Non-formatted Input and Output
  • Character oriented Library functions
  • Compiler, Linker and Loader
  • Program execution phases
  • Formatted Library Functions
  • Mathematical Library Functions
  • Structure of a C Program
  • IDE
  • Basic programs
  • MCQs
  • Conditional Control Statements
  • if
  • if-else
  • nested if-else
  • if-else-if ladder
  • Multiple Branching Control Structure
  • switch-case
  • Loop Control statements
  • while
  • do-while
  • for
  • Nested Loops
  • Jump Control structures
  • break
  • continue
  • goto
  • return
  • Programs
  • MCQs
  • Arrays
  • One dimensional arrays
  • Declaration of 1D arrays
  • Initialization of 1D arrays
  • Accessing element of 1D arrays
  • Reading and displaying elements
  • Programs on 1D Arrays
  • Two dimensional arrays
  • Declaration of 2D arrays
  • Initialization of 2D arrays
  • Accessing element of 2D arrays
  • Reading and displaying elements
  • Programs on 2D Arrays
  • Three dimensional arrays
  • MCQs
  • String Concept
  • Introduction to String in C
  • Storing Strings
  • The string Delimiter
  • String Literals (String Constants)
  • Strings and Characters
  • Declaring Strings
  • Initializing Strings
  • Strings and the Assignment Operator
  • String Input Functions / Reading Strings
  • String Output Functions / Writing Strings
  • String Input-Output using fscanf() and fprintf() Functions
  • Single Character Library Functions / Character Manipulation in the String
  • String Manipulation Library Functions
  • Programs Using Character Arrays
  • Array of Strings (2D Character Arrays)
  • Programs Using Array of Strings
  • MCQs
  • Understanding Memory Addresses
  • Pointer Operators
  • Pointer
  • Pointer Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Declaration of Pointer Variables
  • Initialization of Pointer Variables
  • Dereferencing / Redirecting Pointer Variables
  • Declaration versus Redirection
  • Void Pointer
  • Null Pointer
  • Compatibility
  • Array of Pointers
  • Pointer to Pointer
  • Pointer Arithmetic
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation Functions
  • Functions
  • Advantages of using functions
  • Defining a function
  • Calling a function
  • Return statement
  • Function Prototype
  • Basic Function Designs
  • Programs Using Functions
  • Scope
  • Recursion
  • Iteration vs Recursion
  • Nested functions
  • Variable Length Number of Arguments
  • Parameter Passing Techniques – Call by value & Call by Address
  • Functions Returning Pointers
  • Pointers and One-Dimensional Arrays
  • Pointers and Two-Dimensional Arrays
  • Passing 1D arrays to Functions
  • Passing 2D arrays to Functions
  • Pointers and Strings
  • Passing Strings to Functions
  • Pointer to Function
  • MCQs
  • Object Attributes
  • Scope
  • Extent
  • Linkage
  • auto
  • static
  • extern
  • register
  • MCQs
  • The #include Preprocessor Directive & User defined header files
  • The #define Preprocessor Directive: Symbolic Constants
  • The #define Preprocessor Directive: Macros
  • Conditional Compilation Directives
  • #if
  • #else
  • #elif
  • #endif
  • #ifdef
  • #ifndef
  • #undef
  • #error
  • #line
  • #pragma
  • MCQs
  • Structures
  • Structure Type Declaration
  • Structure Variable Declaration
  • Initialization of Structure
  • Accessing the members of a structure
  • Programs Using Structures
  • Operations on Structures (Copying and Comparing Structures)
  • Nested structures (Complex Structures)
  • Structures Containing Arrays (Complex Structures)
  • Array of Structures (Complex Structures)
  • Pointer to Structure
  • Accessing structure member through pointer using dynamic memory
  • allocation
  • Pointers within Structures
  • Self-referential structures
  • Passing Structures to Functions
  • Functions returning Structures
  • Unions
  • Differences between Structures & Unions
  • Enumerated Types / enum keyword
  • The Type Definition / typedef keyword
  • Bit fields
  • MCQs
  • Concept of a file
  • Streams
  • Text File and Binary Files
  • State of a File
  • Opening and Closing Files
  • File Input / Output Functions
  • Formatted Input-Output Functions
  • Character Input-Output Functions
  • Line Input-Output Functions
  • Block Input-Output Functions
  • File Status Functions (Error Handling)
  • Positioning Functions
  • System File Operations
  • MCQs
  • Initialization of graphics
  • Drawing shapes using pre-defined functions
  • Finding the resolution of screen
  • Setting colors to text and window
  • Font settings
  • Fill styles
  • Basic GUI applications

Benefits of learning C Language at Solve Tech Training Institute

  • Our experienced professionals are instructing this course.
  • Solve Tech provides you the facility to schedule the classes according to your availability.
  • Following each session, you'll receive the course material for your own future reference.
  • You will receive an internationally recognised certification after completing the course.


Focused Training
Placement Assistance
Lab Support
Expert Trainers

Flexible Timing
Interview Prepration
Hands on Training
Affordable Course Fee
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