
The major goal of this course is for students to gain fundamental programming abilities up to advanced levels in order to address various programming logic problems. After completing, the student will be able to write several types of logics. The learner may get all the essential information in all the languages after taking the C course. The student may attend any MNC Company interview after completion and be prepared to handle the technical rounds both conceptually and practically. To help you be as good as possible, we offer many logical examples.

Why C++ ?

The major goal is for students to be able to construct programmes with classes and objects and implement applications. The C-developed programme may be modified to include classes and all object-oriented concepts.

C++ is typically a Super Set of C Language. With Object Oriented Concepts, every C application may be updated to C++. There are numerous programmes similar to operating Systems Unix, Windows, Linux, NoCrysis Warhead and Other Cool games, 90% of all programmes are created using


C++ Training Content

  • Introduction to C++
  • Different paradigms of problem solving
  • POP vs OOP
  • Features of Object Oriented Programming Languages
  • Object
  • Class
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Dynamic Binding
  • Message Communication
  • Constants
  • Variables
  • Keywords
  • Data types
  • Declaration of Variables
  • Output Stream (cout) & Manipulators
  • Input Stream (cin)
  • Comments
  • Operators
  • Arithmetic operators
  • Relational operators
  • Logical operators
  • Increment & decrement operators
  • Conditional operators
  • Bitwise operators
  • Shift operators
  • Type casting
  • Compound assignment operators
  • Address operators
  • Comma operator
  • Pointer operator
  • Sizeof operator
  • new operator
  • delete operator
  • .*
  • *::
  • ::
  • Control Statements
  • Conditional Control Statements
  • If, if-else
  • nested if-else, if-else-if ladder
  • Multiple Branching Control Structure
  • switch-case
  • Loop Control statements
  • while
  • do-while
  • for
  • Nested Loops
  • Jump Control structures
  • break
  • continue
  • goto
  • return
  • Arrays
  • Strings
  • Structures
  • Pointers
  • Dynamic memory allocation using new and delete
  • Defining a Function
  • Calling a Function
  • Return statement
  • Function Prototype
  • Basic Function Designs
  • Scope
  • Reference variables
  • Recursion
  • Parameter Passing Methods
  • Call by value
  • Call by address
  • Call by reference
  • Function Overloading
  • Default Arguments
  • Inline Functions
  • Defining a Class
  • Creating Objects
  • Access specifiers
  • Accessing Class Members
  • Scope Resolution Operator ( :: )
  • Defining Member Functions
  • Outside the class
  • Inside the class
  • Member function with argument
  • This pointer
  • Passing Objects as Arguments
  • Returning Objects
  • Array of objects
  • Pointer to object
  • Dynamic objects
  • Friend Functions
  • Friend Class
  • Composition
  • Container class
  • Contained class
  • Programs
  • Student Class
  • Employee Class
  • Complex Class
  • Matrix Class
  • Rational Class
  • Circle Class
  • Rectangle Class
  • Constructors
  • Properties of constructors
  • Types of constructors
  • Default Constructors
  • Parameterized Constructors
  • Copy Constructors
  • Constructor Overloading
  • Constructors with Default Arguments
  • Destructors
  • Differences between Member functions & Constructors
  • Differences between Constructors & Destructors
  • Static Data Members
  • Static member functions
  • Constant data members
  • Constant Member Functions
  • Defining Operator Overloading Function
  • Overloading Unary Operators
  • Overloading Binary Operators
  • Overloading Unary Operators using Friend Functions
  • Overloading Binary Operators using Friend Functions
  • Overloading <<&>>
  • Programs
  • Class hierarchies
  • Base classes
  • Derived Classes
  • Derived Class Definition
  • Access specifier : protected
  • Types of Inheritance & Programs
  • Single inheritance
  • Multiple inheritance
  • Hierarchical inheritance
  • Multi-level inheritance
  • Hybrid inheritance
  • Multi-path inheritance
  • Constructors in Derived Classes
  • Destructors in Derived Classes
  • Static Binding
  • Dynamic Binding Virtual Destructor Function Overriding Accessing Members using Pointers Virtual Functions Pure Virtual Functions Abstract Classes Virtual Destructors
  • Introduction
  • Advantages
  • Function Templates
  • Over loading function template
  • Class Templates
  • Inheritance Class Templates
  • Types of Errors
  • Benefits of exception handling
  • try, catch, throw keywords
  • Throwing an exception
  • try’ block
  • Catching an exception
  • Exception objects
  • Rethrowing an exception
  • Exception Handling Mechanism
  • Catching all exceptions
  • Nested try blocks
  • File Streams Classes
  • Opening & Closing a File
  • Detection End of File
  • File Pointers & Their Manipulation
  • Sequential Files
  • Random Access Files
  • I-O stream Class hierarchies
  • Unformatted I-O Operation
  • get(), put(), getline()
  • write()
  • in cout
  • cin
  • Formatted I-O Operations
  • width(), precision()
  • fill(), setf()
  • unsetf()
  • Manipulators
  • Manipulator operators
  • Endl, ends
  • manipulator functions
  • setw(), setfill()
  • setprecision()
  • setiosflags()
  • setbase()
  • resetiosflags()
  • User defined manipulators
  • Operator and Overloading
  • Containers
  • vector
  • list, deque
  • arrays
  • forward_list
  • queue
  • priority_queue
  • stack
  • set, multiset
  • map, multimap
  • Algorithms
  • Sorting, Searching
  • Important STL Algorithms
  • Useful Array algorithms
  • Partition Operations
  • Iterators

Benefits of learning C++ at Solve Tech Training Institute

  • Our experienced professionals are instructing this course.
  • Solve Tech provides you the facility to schedule the classes according to your availability.
  • Following each session, you'll receive the course material for your own future reference.
  • You will receive an internationally recognised certification after completing the course.


Focused Training
Placement Assistance
Lab Support
Expert Trainers

Flexible Timing
Interview Prepration
Hands on Training
Affordable Course Fee
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