Construction Management

Construction Management

Certificate course in Construction and Project Management

1D1 - Content

Overview of Civil Engineering and its relevance in infrastructure creation

  • Recapturing of important trends in Civil Engineering & its role in Human progress-Link with Human Progress, Concept of delivery

Introduction to Infrastructure and Public Works

Preliminary Planning for getting approval of project

An overview of Construction management. Site Selection, Soil investigation, Stakeholder, regulatory aspects, Design, approvals for construction, Regulatory compliances, Handover and occupation

Identification of projects, Public Projects, requirement of project, sanction process, primary design, types of estimates-block estimate & detailed estimate-Justification-establish the viability- Eco-socio impact- Govt Administrative approval & evolvement of project

  • This course deals with the process whereby infrastructure projects are conceived, studied, and implemented.
  • Lectures, reading assignments, and classroom discussions
  • Students will research and report on important public works projects and on special topics in infrastructure planning.
  • Safety at Site -Introduction
2D2 FN - Tendering and Contract Management
  • How a project evolves- policies, ad, Notice inviting tenders
  • Familiarization of tendering Process(Procedures to follow, time & amount concern, price of tender, period of opening, Types of tenders-Limited tender, Open Tender, quotation for small works, how to decide the type of tenders, contents of Tender Documents)
  • Understating the Tender Document familiarization & Contract Document
  • Procurement of a Contractor, Category of Contractors-A, B, C, D-, tender evaluation, Award of Contract, handing over the Site
  • Principles of contract law as applied to the construction industry and legal problems in preparing and administering construction contracts.
3D2AN & D3 - Introduction to Design

Building Materials-features-specifications, Glass, Aluminium, Steel, concrete, synthetic materials, roofing materials, etc.

Technical Data, Content, Schedule, IS Code standards, Detailed structural designs & preparation of Working Drawings, document control, checklist

4D4 FN - Basic Functions of PM
  • Project planning-topics specific to developing and coordinating large projects, including organizational structures, management functions,
  • Project Planning: pricing and estimating project costs, bidding and contracting, risk allocation, scheduling, the relationship between time and cost and its control, labor relations, quality management and project life-cycle activities.
5D4 AN - Construction cost estimating(planning)
  • This module covers estimating and cost control from the viewpoint of contractors and construction engineers; details of estimating with an emphasis on labor, materials, equipment and overhead.
  • Govt Representative’s Documents at sites, site handover documents, work schedule, work quality, material quality, testing of material and acceptance by the contractor., sampling records, authority, keeping up of records, suspension for ensuring quality, formwork checking, material reconciliation, ensuring compliance with safety measures, work output, progress monitoring methods, no. of labourers, m/c, vigilance
6D5 FN - Planning at Site

This course covers planning, design, and equipment for new construction and for infrastructure rehabilitation; engineering fundamentals of earth moving; soil stabilization and compaction; foundation grouting; piles and pile driving equipment; temporary structures; dewatering systems and pumping equipment; factors affecting the selection of construction equipment; review of conventional construction equipment

7D5 AN - Scheduling & monitoring

Students will be instructed in Critical Path Method (CPM) construction scheduling techniques; project resources and resource leveling, schedule updating, schedule impacts of date constraints, project time and cost trade-offs, activity duration estimating, work breakdown structures, differing scheduling requirements on different types of construction projects and an overview of construction contract scheduling specifications.

8D6 FN - Introduction to Construction Management Documentation

Students are introduced to MS projects, primavera and the development of building information models (BIM) and their associated databases, using state-of-the-art design and management systems.

9D6 AN

The purpose of this course is to enable students to use Building Information Modeling (BIM) as part of the planning and measurement of performance on construction projects. Students will learn to measure the actual performance of work and the associated cost and schedule impacts as compared to baseline values. Emphasis will also be placed on the importance of managing and tracking changes, and mitigating their impacts on construction projects.

TBreakdown of activities, approved procedures to follow for materials, Work variations, analyze extra work, substituted work, deletion of work, variations effect, regularization of variations, rate analysis-BIM Demonstration

10D7 FN

Good Construction Practices, Concreting, New trends in Construction Industry, Mechanized Construction and Optimum Density, Automation

11D7AN - Site

Construction Safety & First Aids

  • a. Introduction about PPE
  • b. Safety aspects to be followed by various works from excavation to working in heights, work site isolation & access Control
  • c. Safety aspects to be noted regarding construction equipment, tools, and tackles
  • d. Introduction to firefighting in an emergency situation.
  • e. regulatory aspects-legal provisions
  • f. Firefighting, Accident, First aid, Casualty dealing
12D8&9 - Site Familiarization Visit

Familiarisation with construction m/c & equipment

How to do Setting out

  • a. Initial organization of site-(details of contract, resources)
  • b. Planning and Scheduling –(bar chart, CPM.PERT,MS Project)
  • c. Preparation of bills-(M Book)
  • d. Controlling of Progress- (progress report/ add resources, if required..)
  • e. Controlling of Cost- economical usage of materials
  • f. Controlling of Quality control
  • g. Introduction to Construction
  • h. Introduction to tools and tackles
  • i. Introduction to Construction Equipment
  • j. Introduction to various work items (Foundation to Finishing)
  • k. Landscaping and Irrigation
  • l. Roads & Parameters
  • m. Aesthetics
  • n. Co-ordination with other disciplines. (MEP)
13D10 - Surveying (2 Hrs Class)+ Practical
  • a. Introduction to Total Stations- auto level & other instruments – Calibration
  • b. Surveying – Basic and practical application
  • c. Contour Map
14D11 - Soil Investigation (2 Hrs)+ Practical

Types of Soil, Nature, Behaviour, Soil Test

Familiarization with soil investigation report – Brief Introduction of Soil Investigation

15D12 &13 - Basics Of Design

Considerations, Codes,

Familiarization with typical designs

  • a. Foundations-Types and behavior – Load transfer
  • b. Superstructure works
  • Load bearing/framed

    One way/two way slab

    Double and single reinforcement beams

    • c. Concepts of Beam, Slab and Column
    • d. Bridges/Culverts
    • e. Truss –Parts of truss – Welding
    • f. Mix design and quality test
    • g. IS codes
    • h. Plumbing/sanitary/drainage
    • i.Green Building Concept
16D14& 15 - Quantity Survey/ Estimation & Costing
  • a. Preparation of estimate and BOQ- (Contractor’s data and Estimate from the part of govt. representative) site handover of documents, work schedule, work quality, material quantity, testing of material, acceptance from the contractor, sampling records, keeping up records, supervision of quality, formwork checking, ensuring compliance with safety measures, work output, progress monitoring, methods, keeping in view quantity requirement, material, labour, and m/c, vigilance compliance.)
  • b. Bill preparation, measurements, Check Measurements
  • c. Rate analysis of various items
  • Introduction to Delhi Schedule of Rates (DSR) and Delhi Analysis of Rates (DAR), Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MORTH), PWD Price, Software.
17D16 - Site Visit-engineers’ function in two ways
  • a. Define the role of Contractor’s Engineers-(as a representative of contractor) Quality delivery, work arrangements, monitoring, Housekeeping at site etc., documents, Procurement at the site.
  • b. Define the role of Owners representative: Troubleshooting at Site & how to manage, monitoring progress, Inspect and ensure quality, payment release, documents at Site
  • c. Common problems like Leakages, color scheme, finish, etc
18D20FN - Site Visit- Accounting: (Book Keeping)-

This module introduces students to the uses of accounting and financial analysis in decision making in a construction and development environment. The course will demonstrate to students how the principles of accounting and financial management can be adapted for, and used in the management of construction companies and project management. Students will review accounting concepts, rules, regulations and reporting requirements as they apply to construction and development, and they will use and create accounting and financial models.

19D20AN - Site Visit-Procurement at Site - Contractor’s view

bill checking, quantity measurement, procedures, payments procedures at 3 levels- Govt representative

20D21 - Site Visit - Clearing Doubts - Recapitalisation
21D22 & D23 - Soft Skills
  • Personal attitudes- How to be presentable at site & office, Punctuality, commitment, Integrity, tolerance, conscientiousness
  • Personality improvement- Working attitudes –reliability, approachability, Flexibility, Competence
  • Labor management & deployment
  • housekeeping at the site
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Supervising skills
  • Communications Skills
  • Letter drafting skills
  • Presentation skills
  • How to prepare CV
  • How to face Interview
  • Group Discussion
22D24 - Mock Interview
23D25 - Mock Interview & Evaluation

Outcome of the Programme

1Outcome of the Programme
  • concrete structure new construction practices &materials, curing, etc
  • piping structure
  • total station surveys(separate Quantity surveyors course is also suggested as there is tremendous scope in Dubai –separate Quantity surveyor module to be introduced)
  • latest inventions in the construction sector
  • multi-skill technicians-trouble shooting
  • how to read drawing
  • measurements-check measurements and Mbook preparation,
  • housekeeping at the site
  • economical usage of materials
  • bar bending schedule
  • machine safety
  • quantity survey
  • estimate
  • site visits to get knowledge on entire site activity
  • personality development-how to be at site, attitude
  • discipline
  • familiarize with machine operation- welding, gas cutting, fabrication, heavy equipment operation, tower operation, concrete m/c, mixer m/c,
  • construction software, structural design,
  • communication skills
  • work supervising skills
  • project mgt
  • economical usage of materials
  • bar bending schedule
  • machine safety
  • GD
  • English language
  • soft skills
  • Tendering, contracting, Bar bending schedule at site
  • How to read drawings
  • preparation of bills
  • quantity survey-layout
  • site plan
  • preparation of bills
  • field visits
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