Digital Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Overview of Social Media Marketing course

Social Media Marketing uses social media and social networks to market a company’s products and services. It allows companies to engage with existing customers and reach new ones as they promote their culture, mission, or tone. Sites like Facebook , LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and so on are commonly used to execute social media marketing.

Google Analytics

Overview Google Analytics Course:

One of the many tools offered by Google to assist users in understanding what visitors are doing on their website is Google Analytics. You can track and analyse important data about your website and site visitors using the tool. The most frequently asked question is "Is Google Analytics Free?" Yes, and it is among the most well-liked free tools out there. Due to the amount of data it offers, Google Analytics is a crucial part of any website manager's or marketer's online toolkit.

Who can do this course?

Designed for the absolute beginner, no previous editing experience is required in order for you to get the most out of this Premier Pro course.

Digital Marketing Specialist

What does it all mean? The focus is on the MIT Digital Marketing Course. How can customers be reached? How can conventional and digital media coexist? What separates inbound marketing from outbound marketing? With everything kept simple and doable, this module walks you through the fundamentals. Digital Marketing Principles Developing Objectives for Digital Research Connecting with the Customer through Cultural Research.

Who will learn this course ?
  • Those in traditional marketing careers who are looking to update their skillset.
  • Marketers working in Management and Senior Management.
  • Those who have just graduated and want to hit the ground running and up their skills in digital marketing immediately.
  • Entrepreneurs and small businesses owners.
  • Anyone hoping to implement an up to date digital strategy for their company.

Advanced Digital Marketing Course in Dubai:

Advanced SEO Tools:
  • Ahref
  • Spyfu
  • SEMRush
  • SEO Spy Glass
  • Similarweb
  • KwFinder
  • SEO Profiler
  • RankTrack

Search Engine Optimisation


The process of increasing the quantity and quality of search engine traffic to a website or web page is known as search engine optimization. SEO focuses on organic traffic as opposed to paid or direct traffic.

(SEO) is of two types

  • On- Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO