German language course in Dubai

German language course in Dubai


Level 1 & Introduction to German

Coursebook: Netzwerk neu in Teilbänden: Kurs- und Übungsbuch A1.1 mit Audios

  1. und Videos, Units 1 and 2
  2. Communicative aims:
  3. Greeting and saying goodbye
  4. Introducing yourself and others
  5. Asking and answering how people are
  6. Talking about yourself and others
  7. Counting in German
  8. Sharing personal information such as your telephone and email address
  9. Spelling
  10. Talking about countries and languages
  11. Talking about hobbies
  12. Arranging to meet someone
  13. Talking about work, professions and working hours
  14. Filling out a form
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  1. Numbers
  2. Countries and languages
  3. The German Alphabet
  4. Hobbies
  5. Days of the week
  6. Jobs


  1. W questions
  2. Declarative sentences
  3. Verbs and personal pronouns
  4. Irregular verbs and personal pronouns
  5. Yes/No questions
  6. Definite articles: der, das, die
  7. Singular and plural nouns
  8. Verbs haben and sein

Cultural aspects

Formal and informal ways of addressing people.


Level 2

Communicative aims: Expressing likes and dislikes, activities and hobbies, talking about family, ordering food and drink; food shopping.

Linguistic aims: Verb conjugation with irregular verbs, definite and indefinite articles in the accusative, negatives (nicht and kein), possessive articles.

Cultural aspects: Visiting restaurants and cafes in Germany, families, shopping and paying.

Level 3

Communicative aims: Telling the time, daily routine, making arrangements.

Linguistic aims: Separable verbs, telling the time and days of the week, modal verbs (müssen, möchten, können), connectors for main clauses (und, denn, aber)

Cultural aspects: Sightseeing and arrangements in Germany

Level 4

Communicative aims: giving and understanding directions, describing the location of items in a room, talking about past events and activities

Linguistic aims: imperative, directions, prepositions with accusative and dative, the perfect tense

Cultural aspects: everyday life in Germany, class reunions, public transport.

Level 5

Communicative aims: Looking for and describing accommodation, holidays and weather, understanding announcements in airports and stations, buying tickets and booking.

Linguistic aims: Consolidation of prepositions of place with accusative and dative, adjectives with to be (Die Wohnung ist schön.), prepositions for geographical locations.

Cultural aspects: Accommodation and looking for accommodation in Germany, holiday destinations in Germany, buying tickets and booking travel in Germany.

Level 6

Communicative aims: Talking about your health, the body, describing symptoms, visiting a medic, clothes shopping, describing clothes, comparing clothes, stating opinions.

Linguistic aims: Adjectival endings (nominative, dative, accusative), comparatives, superlatives, personal pronouns dative and accusative, definite article as demonstrative pronoun.

Cultural aspects: Health care in Germany, high street shopping in Germany.

Level 7

Communicative aims: Expressing feelings, resolving conflicts, expressing opinions, talking about future plans.

Linguistic aims: Subordinate clauses with wenn, weil, dass; future with time markers (morgen, nächste Woche, etc).

Cultural aspects: Topics may include immigration, neighbours, education.

Level 8

Communicative aims: Talking about advantages and disadvantages; expressing agreement and disagreement; responding to invitations; talking about personal characteristics.

Linguistic aims: Modal verbs in the imperfect tense; verbs with direct and indirect objects.

Cultural aspects: Topics may include festivities, German regions, German mentality, family structures.

Pre Intermediate

Level 9

Communicative aims: Polite questions, (phone) enquiries, stating opinions, agreeing and disagreeing.

Linguistic aims: Obwohl und trotzdem, the imperfect tense, prepositions with accusative, indirect questions.

Cultural aspects: Topics may include biographies, history, fairy tales, nutrition, generations.

Level 10

Communicative aims: Writing about the past, talking about hypothetical situations, polite advice (Man sollte gesünder leben.), talking about events at a specific time in the past and past habits, future intentions

Linguistic aims: Simple future (Futur I), modal verbs in the subjunctive (Konjunktiv II), cubjunctive mood (Konjunktiv II), subordinate clauses with als.

Cultural aspects: Topics may include the environment, Heimat, immigration.

Level 11

Communicative aims: Talking and writing about sequences of events in the past, talking about relationships.

Linguistic aims: Past perfect (Plusquamperfekt), seit and bis; correlative conjunctions (sowohl … als auch; je … desto …; entweder … oder; etc).

Cultural aspects: Topics may include historical events in Germany, relationships.

Level 12

Communicative aims: Coping with emergencies, talking about living conditions, emotions.

Linguistic aims: Relative pronouns, relative clauses, the passive voice in the present and past tense

Cultural aspects: Facts and figures about life in Germany (housing, commuting, etc), health care, school leavers in Germany.


Level 13

Communicative aims: Complaints, giving advice, speaking about film/theatre/etc, speaking about future possibilities.

Linguistic aims: The genitive, revision and consolidation of tenses, subordinate clauses with wenn, weil, dass, obwohl, trotzdem (Kausal-, Konzessiv- und Konsekutivsätze).

Cultural aspects: Topics may include culture, politics, art, consumer affairs.

Level 14

Communicative aims: Writing letters, polite requests, reasoning and advice, talking about the past.

Linguistic aims: Revision and consolidation - subordinate clauses with um … zu …, damit (Finalsätze), relative clauses, indirect questions, superlatives, modal verbs in Konjunktiv II.

Cultural aspects: Topics may include family life in Germany, relationships, travel, leisure pursuits.

Level 15

Communicative aims: Expressing assumptions, making recommendations.

Linguistic aims: Prepositions with genitive, dative and accusative, Futur I for assumptions, present participle (Partizip I), participles as adjectives; declination of adjectives.

Cultural aspects: Topics may include prejudice in German society, gender roles in current society, history and the media; city profiles.

Level 16

Communicative aims: Understanding proverbs and idioms; job applications; talking about food/recipes

Linguistic aims: Verbs and prefixes; pronominal adverbs (darauf, darüber, etc); revision and consolidation of participles as adjectives.

Cultural aspects: Topics may include food; work life; literature.

General Notes

All levels are focused on speaking, listening practice, writing and reading practice. In each level there will be some revision of previous content. While levels 1-6 are relatively fixed as regards topics because of the focus on

functional language, this becomes more open later on and we only suggest topics. Levels 13 – 16 cover only a little new grammar and focus largely on consolidating the grammar from previous levels.

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